The Simulation Tournament will begin with Registration at 10am, followed by Sighters at 10.30am. Warwick rounds will be shot, with distances dependent upon ages (see the Entry Form for full details of this).
Entries should be submitted to Ellie Bowman by 1.00pm on 5th March, by hand, via the junior notice board or by email.
The entry form has been designed around the junior members, but if any adult members who have not entered a tournament before would like to enter for the experience they are welcome. They will just need to fill in ‘adult’ in the age section and obviously sign it themselves!
The Entry Form can be downloaded here.
The Junior Club at Meriden is very active, meeting every Saturday as a supervised group and taking part in various activities both at our grounds and at other organised events.
Simulation Tournaments are run so everyone knows what to expect if they choose to compete, and our Juniors shoot postal leagues twice a month. Badges are awarded for Portsmouth and Frostbite rounds and fun shoots are held through the year, especially at Halloween and Christmas. Juniors are encouraged to obtain their progress awards badges.
To find out more about the Junior Club get in touch via our ‘Contact Us’ page.