Open Members’ Meeting – Club Development & Progression, OnTarget

Home-Members' Meeting-Open Members’ Meeting – Club Development & Progression, OnTarget
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Meriden has been an AGB “onTarget” club for some years but has never actively engaged in this programme. ArcheryGB have now revised their definition of onTarget in order to better align with the Sport England development approach, as well as developing a clearer pathway that supports the growth of an archer from beginner to international representation.

An Open Meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 14th in the clubhouse at 7pm for any club members who may be interested in seeing how the new model may work for Meriden as a whole. AGB will be represented by the Clubs and Facilities Manager who will explain how the new structure will work and will be available for an open Q&A after the presentation.

This is potentially an excellent opportunity for the club and for all members. Please try to attend the meeting if possible.

Further details can be found in the members’ email that was circulated to all current members on 22nd July 2018, a copy of which may be found on the Members’ Pages under ‘Club Documents & Member Resources’.

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